Wikileaks hidden agenda? per Alex Jones / Webster Tarpley

Political Myths

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Political Myths WE Live By
By Peter Lach-newinsky

Friday, December 18, 2009
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Whenever most conversations I have these days move around to matters political I often find myself in a quandary. I have the choice of either accepting the tacit assumptions behind the other person's remarks or questions, or else remaining largely silent and trying to change the topic. This is because I don't share the tacit assumptions.

I would classify most of these usually unexamined assumptions as social democratic or liberal. They dominate all corporate media for reasons that will become obvious below. In my view, these prevalent myths of our age do not hold up to rational scrutiny and are a, largely unrecognised, form of mind control. Here is my attempt to list fifteen of them and briefly comment on them from the viewpoint of critical political science and a radically democratic ethics.

1. This is a democratic system (The Democratic Fallacy).

If ‘democracy' means ‘rule by the people', it isn't. It is an oligarchic system of elected political elites tightly enmeshed with the unelected economic elites in industry, state bureaucracy and the media. These, often discordant, elites together make up the ruling class.

2. Democratic parties are run democratically (The Party Fallacy).

Just like any communist party, when it comes to the crunch, the major parties are all run top-down from head office. Power group and faction deals done outside the party meetings decide on key positions. Party executives and apparatchiks hold great internal power. Candidates chosen by the local rank and file, if at all, can be replaced by those chosen by head office when necessary. Party discipline and perceived unity are always placed above open debate and dissent. Even parties that start off with greater grassroots participation end up with oligarchic power structures. The term ‘democratic party' is an oxymoron.

3. Elections are very important and provide real alternatives between parties (The Election Fallacy).

This reduces the core political notion of freedom to the freedom to choose between the two wings of the one pro-capitalist and neo-liberal party. We live in a de facto One Party state. We are left with the freedom to choose which current faction of the ruling political elite will probably be less disastrous.

The key investment decisions are not made by politicians and thus elections are only of secondary importance. (The next four points are simply corollaries of this fallacy.)

4. The key decisions are made in cabinet and parliament after rational debate and in the interest of the common good. (The Parliamentary Fallacy).

Key investment decisions are made behind closed doors by the democratically unaccountable corporate bureaucrats of big business. Key political decisions are made by the top levels of the political executive in close consultation with unelected top bureaucrats and business lobbyists. ‘Revolving doors' between these groups assure their fundamental unity of interest. As in Communist systems, parliaments merely rubber stamp these decisions along party lines. The term ‘parliamentary debate' is also an oxymoron. ‘Question time' is schoolboy-level grandstanding and bullying because it is nothing but a pseudo-event of clashing ‘personalities' designed for the media.

5. The differing personalities of politicians are important things to consider. (The Personalist Fallacy 1).

Politicians with different personalities may set up differing cultural atmospheres and political priorities in non-core areas. These may at times be important. However, personalities make as little difference to the core power/class relations as do gender or race. For ruling elites and democrats alike, politicians are not to be judged by what they may or may not privately be but by what they publicly do or fail to do.

6. When politicians lie and deceive, it is a personal failing. (The Personalist Fallacy 2)

Politicians may be personally honest or dishonest to varying degrees. However, all are systemically caught between meeting popular demands (election time ‘idealism' and ‘hope', polls) and meeting big business and state-systemic demands (post-election time ‘realism'). When they then lie or ‘betray' their popular election promises and their previous ‘idealism' magically and inevitably becomes ‘realistic' and ‘pragmatic', they are in fact simply meeting the demands of the system and its very real power relations. Politicians are necessarily two-faced because they are always serving two masters, the public and the powerful, but in the end only the powerful master is really the master and calls the shots.

7. The planet can be saved by pressuring politicians into developing ‘political will'. (The Lobbying Fallacy)

Persistent and massive grass roots direct action (demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience etc) and lobbying may sometimes change politicians' ‘will' in many non-core areas. When this popular pressure is lessened, this ‘will' will always quickly weaken or backtrack back to systemic ‘realism' (power maintenance). If focussed exclusively on politicians (instead of on big business power and creative self-activity), this lobbying activity will, by definition, sap creative energy, not change the system itself and thus not save the planet.

8. Public opinion is made by the public. (The Public Opinion Fallacy)

It isn't. It is made for the public by a process of selective filtering and re-framing on the part of the owners, managers and employed commentators of the corporate media. Corporate think tanks and PR machines also play important public opinion-forming roles, often behind the scenes. The important ideological and manipulative work of all these ‘pundits' is to keep public discourse within the tight parameters and limited concepts of allowed official discourse. The purpose is to manufacture consent for the decisions and policies of the ruling elites. There is no conspiracy involved here, it is a ‘natural' part of the system and works largely by cultural osmosis and conformity.

9. This might not be a perfect system, but there is no alternative (Margaret Thatcher: ‘TINA'). Democracy and capitalism necessarily go together. Socialism has failed spectacularly. (The TINA Fallacy)

Capitalism and outright terror states are quite compatible (fascism, third world dictatorships). Democratic imperialism has also killed millions of innocent people. ‘Socialism' itself has never been tried anywhere. Despite their labels the Soviet and Chinese systems were/are not socialist in any sense. They were authoritarian forms of state capitalism that have now morphed into more modern forms of McStalinism. Whether still called ‘socialism' or not, the alternative is a radically democratic, both decentralised and globalised society in which economic and local community self-management, solidarity and mutual aid are maximised.

10. Economically, this is a Free Market Society. (The Free Market Fallacy)

There is no free market and never has been, even under the rule of the deregulating, neo-liberal state. A completely free market system would self-destruct in no time. Because it can, by definition, only care for its individual vested interests and not for the good of the whole system, capitalism needs constant saving from itself by the state. The capitalist state has always been there to massively support, gently oversee, subsidize and bail out the capitalist economy in countless ways, not only in times of crisis. Corporate and middle class welfare is actually its main game. The state helps capital privatise the profits and socialise the costs. It provides the physical infrastructure, educational development of the ‘human capital' and picks up the immense social, health and environmental costs of the latter's wrecking balls. All this happens whether the state is neo-liberal or social democratic (Keynesian) in nature.

11. Wars of aggression and military humanitarian interventions are foreign policy mistakes or blunders. (The Mistaken Foreign Policy Fallacy)

They are not mistakes. Official humanitarian aims are pretexts. Initially, they are planned military interventions for geo-strategic, financial, ideological gain or (in Australia's case) as mercenary down payments on alliance insurance policies. The so-called ‘mistakes' or ‘blunders' are usually military and financial over-reaches and misjudgements of popular resistance. Millions of innocent civilians and duped soldiers die or are maimed or displaced in the process.

12. World peace is possible without world social justice. (The Peace Fallacy)

When the rich 20% of the world lay claim to about 80% of the world's resources, leaving the poor 80% with 20% of the resources and billions in poverty, there can be no lasting peace until this exploitative imbalance and historical injustice are redressed.

13. Capitalism can function without growing infinitely. (The Natural Capitalism Fallacy)

When capital ceases growing, it ceases being capital and reverts to being mere money. Capital must accumulate and expand to survive. Nothing like this exists in nature except perhaps certain forms of virus.

14. There can be infinite growth within a finite world. (The Growth Fallacy)

A fallacy obvious to any pre-schooler but not to economists, politicians and their media pundits.

15. Capitalism and this planet are compatible. (The Business as Usual Fallacy)

I rest my case.

The Perfect Storm article

The Perfect Storm is here

12:51 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 3 comments
Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
-- Benito Mussolini
"I hope we shall crush ... in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
--Thomas Jefferson

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

Insightful quote

"If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our
servant may prove to be our executioner."
- General Omar N. Bradley (US Army General, WWII, 1939-1945)

My sister shared this with me.

Same 'ol Same 'ol

Nothing new on the Montello front here.  We're just working, trying to get things caught up from my no job hiatus.  We are anxious as ever to get out there and we've talked and considered making the move with less money than we originally planned for.  It will work either way, just be a little more difficult and take longer to get movin' once we're there if we have less money.  We both think it may be worth it, though.

The other idea we had is to find a foreclosure home for cheap, buy it, and flip within the next year.  If we plan that out, we could make the money we need quickly.  It would also feed my desire to have a project going.  I get antsy if I don't have something to build or fix up.  We're loving the progress that Geoff & Ellen are making.  They are such an inspiration!  I honestly couldn't picture their earthbag house turning out the way it has.  I was actually a bit skeptical but they're pulling it off and it's gonna be a castle!  Of course, they need to get that little one trained up and workin' for them.  :)

I hope everyone is doing okay.  Keep posting everyone, we ARE reading!

Cool LED Solar/Crank Lamp

Monday, August 2, 2010 9:08 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 0 comments
Update:  So, after a comment over the price of this SAME type of light being half the price I did some research and although I DID find a couple closer to the $20 range, they were all more expensive than $16.  Keep in mind this is a "SOLAR POWERED & CRANK POWERED" light...not just a crank light.  
Google search it...

Are you watching?

Thursday, July 8, 2010 3:18 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 0 comments

Minimalist, we're workin' on it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010 11:23 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 3 comments

mnmlist : less

Stop buying unnecessary things.
Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness.
Reduce half again.
List 4 essential things in your life,
stop doing non-essential things.
Do these essentials first each day, clear distractions
focus on each moment.
Let go of attachment to doing, having more.
Fall in love with less.

A Beatles Weekend

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 10:00 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 1 comments
This weekend we joined my parents in Louisville, KY for the annual Abbey Road on the River festival. It is the largest Beatles festival in the world.  Even bigger than Liverpool's!  My parents have gone 5 years in a row now which is all of them.  It was awesome.  There's 60 bands and 5 stages.  From Thursday night to Monday afternoon they play from noon to 2am.  There's plenty of peace, love, food, drink, and fun.  Here's just a sample of pics:


              my parents

Here's a few of our favorite bands there

Sunday night they had a 'White Album' show and played the entire 2 album set...


They also have THE best Jimmy Hendrix performer in the world there (looks, sounds, skills)

Global Bucket tomato plant update!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:58 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 3 comments
UPDATE 04/23/11: After spending the fall and winter season thinking about gardening and our global bucket project I've come to a couple conclusions.  They work...but best for tight spaces as they're intended.  1 thing I would do differently is some sort of trellis on one side of the bucket stretching upward instead of a cage.  It would help the plant do what is does best...GROW UP^.  It would be much easier to tie it off properly and be less stressful on the plant.

Well here it is..."Rizzo" in her full glory!  I have to say that the Global Buckets are the real deal.  This plant grew fast and big.  Drinks a gallon of water a day!  Tomato plants normally take 75 days or more to produce tomatoes.  We have at least a dozen growing and half of those will be ready within the week!  Can't wait, the first one I am eating like an apple!  Here are some pics (the first 2 are a couple weeks old and the last 2 are from today):

couple weeks ago



Friday, May 21, 2010 9:23 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 1 comments
Well, the Bestop soft top came in yesterday and I got a head start.  I was going to wait and do it at my parents this weekend with my dad, bro-in-law, and nephew but I have 0 patience.  :)  So the top brackets are the most difficult part (IMO) and for me it was murder!  The 2 sections that you are suppose to put together were not cut properly and they were NOT going to go together without alterations.  So...I stopped where I was yesterday and then went to The Home Depot and got some metal files and screws.  I spent the next 4 hours filing and forcing the brackets together.  I feel like I do after the first day of working out after a year of being lazy.  Also, the back window piece was missing the zipper slider on the top zipper so I had to call Bestop AGAIN and have them send me a new window.  All that said, it was worth it afterwards...

p.s. It has also been running a little off since I had the exhaust work done so I had Jen pick up some new spark plug wires on her way home and that fixed it!  Runnin' like a champ now!  I'm so proud.  If only it got better gas mileage  :P

Spark plugs!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:03 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 2 comments
Here's what happens if you let an exhaust problem get bigger.  Even more so, if you get a crack in the manifold and don't know about it.  The last 2 owners definitely made the mistake that cost me.  :(  Everything is good now though!  I'm surprised the thing would start much less run.


Jeep repairs & stuff

Monday, May 17, 2010 6:54 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 1 comments
Well, of course, I started having some issues with the Jeep.  We already knew it needed a new muffler & tailpipe.  My last post I changed the spark plugs.  It was definitely running better after that and the fuel cleaner.  I took it to Meineke today to get the muffler/tailpipe/donut gasket done.  Went to lunch, then went back over there to check on it and they showed me the large crack in my exhaust manifold!!!  That turned a $200 problem into a $600 problem.  Good thing is, that should be it with engine repair for awhile at least.  We can get to work on the body and accessories.  I am glad that they noticed the crack.  I'm sure most mechanics would overlook something like that and then worse things would happen later.

I am also ordering the new top tonight!  It's a Bestop soft top and JCWhitney is having 20% off through today.  Jen and I are moving in July.  We are trying to cut our expenses down and by moving we will be saving about $500 a month easily.  We are trying to set ourselves a goal of 1 year so lookout Montello!

Our New Jeep!

Sunday, May 9, 2010 10:01 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 6 comments

Well, we got us a Jeep!  She's got character.  It needs some minor work but it runs fine.  I plan to spend a little money and get it whipped into shape.  We can't wait to drive it in Montello!  Here are some pics Jennifer took today while we were at my parents working on it.  She is an artist with her iphone camera! My dad helped me do a little tune up on her, she does need more though.

Also, check out the cool, old military gas tank my dad brought home for me.  It's gonna be a major decoration for the Jeep.  Everyone reading please vote for the color to paint it after I clean it up.  Your choices are: Standard gas glossy red or Military matte green.  Please leave your vote in a comment.

Preston, this is mainly for you but I'm sure the rest of you will enjoy

Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:36 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 0 comments
Got Guns?       <---------------

Global Bucket tomato plant update

Monday, May 3, 2010 4:56 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 1 comments
Still growing good.  The flooding rains this weekend followed by the hot sun today really got it growing.  All of west & middle Tennessee (Nashville) is under water.  We have record floods and some of the rivers are still rising.

(Before) April 22, 2010


If you haven't heard...

Sunday, May 2, 2010 10:05 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 2 comments
So yeah, some crazy rains this weekend are flooding the crap out of Tennessee.  We watched the news yesterday afternoon from a friend's house and saw houses floating down the interstate and then exploding from the force of the water flow.  Well...I got woken up this morning by Jennifer, "uhhhhh Jeremy come down stairs, the house is flooded."  By the way, the floors were just redone in September because of our water heater bursting.  Insurance is gonna have to buy us another new floor I guess.  Here's a few shots:

I had to go and dig a couple of waterways through the mulch to flow downhill into the neighbors yard, theirs wasn't quite as bad as ours.  ::sigh::

Get ready to be angry

Monday, April 26, 2010 7:14 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 2 comments

Bananas and Monkeys

Original source unknown.
"Start with a cage containing five monkeys.
Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result - all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.
After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done round here.
And that, my friends, is how company policies are made."

As I read this I knew the direction it was going about half-way through.  This really gets me riled up!  What are your thoughts!?

I am definitely building one of these

Adobe Brick Oven   <-------------click

Ohh it's REALLY growin' now

These 2 pics are less than a week from the previous post.  Notice the tomato buds ALREADY!  There's about 20 of them overall.  We're less than a month into this plant, this is crazy.

Wow, no questions...

Yeah, so no question about Global Buckets working or not.  The first picture is when we planted it, the 2nd is last week and the last 2 are from this morning.  I have filled the bucket using the pvc 3 times now.  I had to water from the top for the first week and I also let it sit out in a storm a couple times.  After the 2nd storm is started chugging water.  Rizzo is starting to scare me, ever seen 'Little Shop of Horrors'?...YEAH.  I can tell you that this is going to be one of my main strategies for growing in Montello.  I'm hoping that in another month or less I can walk out side and the plant will just throw tomatoes at me  :)

March 27th The beginning                     April 8th Last week

April 14th This morning!

Some DIY Green Power

Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:29 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 0 comments
Here's another youtube channel full of DIY Green Power.  Solar Panels, Solar Oven, Wind Turbine...

I can smell freedom

Thursday, April 8, 2010 9:09 PM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 5 comments
Well, we finally got things worked out.  Even though I lost my job, and it's taken a month to get into another one, we just paid off 2 credit cards!  Almost $6000!  All of the other debt is about gone as well.  Montello is within our sights!

Now, that's the spirit!

Here's a story for ya...

It's a beautiful day for Global Buckets!

Well, we were too lazy last weekend to get out and try our first Global Bucket but this weekend we were ready.  It really is simple and quick.  We followed the steps to a T and everything looks good.  I WILL say however, that the holesaw bit sizes are wrong on the Global Buckets website.  The holes were a bit too big, we had to put some plastic around the PVC pipe to plug the gap.  We probably should've done something with the plastic cup as well but it didn't look too bad.  Here's pics of the step-by-step, we hope it encourages you!  Go visit the Global Buckets website for more info:
two 5 Gallon buckets, one 24" pvc pipe, 1 cu ft bag potting soil, 1 cup organic garden lime, 3" hole saw bit, 1-3/8" paddle bit, 1/4" wood bit, 10-10-10 fertilizer, 3 mil black plastic

Jennifer got excited when I let her use the drill, haha... women...

I didn't show it but I cut a half circle out of the bottom of the pvc for water to travel to the bottom.

We mixed in 1 cup of organic garden lime (Dolomite) to the top 6" of soil.
Jennifer named our tomato plant "Rizzo" since it's a 'Pink Girl'  :)  (Grease)

Two cups of 10-10-10 fertilizer on top will feed for the entire season.

Water drains from holes at 3" from the bottom so you can never overwater.

68 degrees in Nashville, TN  Plenty of rain coming tonight and tomorrow.  Ready to eat tomatoes!
Our next one will either be strawberries, watermelon, or zucchini... or ALL THREE.