It's a beautiful day for Global Buckets!

Well, we were too lazy last weekend to get out and try our first Global Bucket but this weekend we were ready.  It really is simple and quick.  We followed the steps to a T and everything looks good.  I WILL say however, that the holesaw bit sizes are wrong on the Global Buckets website.  The holes were a bit too big, we had to put some plastic around the PVC pipe to plug the gap.  We probably should've done something with the plastic cup as well but it didn't look too bad.  Here's pics of the step-by-step, we hope it encourages you!  Go visit the Global Buckets website for more info:
two 5 Gallon buckets, one 24" pvc pipe, 1 cu ft bag potting soil, 1 cup organic garden lime, 3" hole saw bit, 1-3/8" paddle bit, 1/4" wood bit, 10-10-10 fertilizer, 3 mil black plastic

Jennifer got excited when I let her use the drill, haha... women...

I didn't show it but I cut a half circle out of the bottom of the pvc for water to travel to the bottom.

We mixed in 1 cup of organic garden lime (Dolomite) to the top 6" of soil.
Jennifer named our tomato plant "Rizzo" since it's a 'Pink Girl'  :)  (Grease)

Two cups of 10-10-10 fertilizer on top will feed for the entire season.

Water drains from holes at 3" from the bottom so you can never overwater.

68 degrees in Nashville, TN  Plenty of rain coming tonight and tomorrow.  Ready to eat tomatoes!
Our next one will either be strawberries, watermelon, or zucchini... or ALL THREE.

Here's a great solution for gardening in Montello

I am definitely planning to build one of these.  Only part of the solution...

Greenhouse  <-------

LOL another alternative :P

9:39 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 2 comments
How about this guys, who needs containers when you got this.  haha

Shelter   <------

Ahhhhh :)

Friday, March 19, 2010 9:32 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 3 comments
"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
— Chris McCandless

"I have lived through much and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet, secluded life in the country with the possibility of being useful to people..."
— Leo Tolstoy

Hey guys, you might find this useful and fun.

This guy made a website with a lot of info on rv living.  Might be of some use...

New potential transplant for Montello...

So a guy I sorta work with is interested in Montello.  I have talked a lot with him about what's going on and I sent him a link to smile4uinc to look at land.  He has decided, after speaking with them, to take a week and go check out a 30 acre plot.  He wants to raise some Arabian Horses for their manure to fertilize some special plant he wants to grow and sell out there.  I am working on getting him to the blog scene.  It really works, just talk to people and let them see your excitement and reason.  He told them what he was looking for and told them he'd like to be sorta close to me so...  He's all about us all working together to make it.  I will link him to everyone's blog today.  It's a big party!  :)

Anxious (post title "Random blabs from a concerned American")

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 7:59 AM Posted by Jeremy Creasy 5 comments
Well, it's been a minute since I've posted.  I check all the other Montello blogs daily, keeps my spirits up.  I've been really sick the last few days and I've had to miss work.  I have read through most of the Earthship books and I definitely have a greater understanding of how it's gonna go down.  I've also been researching well digging.  There are a lot of DIY ways to dig a well.  If anyone has any input please comment.  Once I have completed the research and we get closer to "the day" I will gather all the info and post it for everyone to use.

I got really excited while reading Preston's blog this weekend.  It was like an adventure.  He went to visit his property and ended up Jeeping around Tecoma Valley all day running into Montello celebrities.  Wish I could've been there.  The days are just getting harder because, even though we know it's gonna happen, we are kinda lost because we don't know how long it's gonna take.  It could be 5 years at this rate.  I don't want to just pay off debt and then leave.  We want to be secure and able to build our earthship.  I need to sit down and really figure out the numbers I guess.  The other side is, who knows how long this country will be "secure" and "free".  Our window of opportunity could be closing on us.  Then I fear that even if we make it out there in time and get built and growing, that we're not immune to what may happen.  Whether it be: natural disasters, "global warming", collapsed government, more government takeovers.  I'm being general because who knows the future but...are we safe?  Or, will we simply be safer for longer?  Obviously, cities will fall first, then suburbs, then farmland (for obvious reasons), then us?  Places like Tecoma Valley, Arizona deserts, New Mexico, Montana, Dakotas, etc...  Will it come to us or will we be far enough out to weather it?  The other side of it is, what if our govenment falls?  Will the "Red Army" fly over here and take over?  Or has everything changed so much that old school takeovers no longer occur?  I doubt that one, we have a rich and beautiful land.  They WILL want it!

I'm just blabbing, sorry this is so depressing.  These are things I think about daily.  I want to be aware and prepared.  Every day I talk with someone about either Montello & Earthships or about where everything is headed.  I want to make everyone I can aware, or at least get them to think about it.  Seems like everyone is in a deep sleep.  It scares me when I talk to people and they really have no idea and even struggle with believing me.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's goin on, but it would take one to escape it all.  :)  I would hope that we are being led to Montello so that we can survive it.  Or maybe...we are being led by the aliens at Area 51! ::fade in Theme music from The X-Files::  just kidding

We are just anxious to start a new community with all of you in Montello.  Keep writing your posts, we are all reading.  Spread the word about Montello to people you trust.  Learn about where this country is headed and then teach others.  Begin living a sustainable lifestyle and bring it with you to Montello.  Don't just think about, don't just talk about it.